MUST Read : For first time BUYER

There is a LOT of replica seller out there who claim their goods are the BEST Rep. We have been selling this since 2011, and there is HARD TIME and BAD TIME finding the truth about Replica world. 
Many customer wants the best rep BUT also want the cheapest price. They end up being cheated by sellers selling cheap price and CLAIM their bags as MIRROR. We have been there once, feeling cheated and frustrated. Even when we start exploring this world of REP, there are many obstacle, good and bad. However, we finally made up to the BEST FACTORY selling Boutique Grade and now we love to share with you what we've got!

  • We ONLY Source Premium/Boutique Grade. These are the highest grade which replicate the best look and feel of original bags. Boutique Grade bag is 100% exact to original and safe to be carry to the Boutique stores.
  • Our factory suppliers are experts in Original Bag Maker. This is our valuable & hard-time research since 2011. Rest assured with our quality or else, we return back your MONEY
  • Our PRICE is the CHEAPEST among all PREMIUM SELLER. There is HUGE difference between their "quality" compare to us VERSUS the price you've paid for!

You may have heard this for first time, but what is actually Premium Grade / Boutique Grade / Original Quality means..?

Boutique Grade are also called as "Original Leather" handbag is the best quality handbag to replicate the original brand. Premium Grade is different with 1:1 Mirror Grade. The material of boutique grade is made of italian/imported leather (feel different on the leather touch) and super high quality hardware. This Grade are absolutely provide BEST quality for customer looking for real luxury bag. In simple words, Boutique grade material is exact same as Original bag material. Unlike the 1:1 Mirror grade, this grade is made to copy original bags but using Local Material. (China-made). 1:1 Mirror grade are often satisfy customer who want the copy bags without concerning about material used, as long as it's mirror to original. 

Should you have any questions about customer satisfaction, please do not hesitate to contact us, and review our customer testimonial. 


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